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tv   ABC World News Now  ABC  January 28, 2020 2:42am-3:59am PST

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lot of different ways. and his wife, vanessa, my god, let's just pray for her and her family. i can't even fathom what she's going through what now. >> i have to tell you, my grandson who was born with a basketball in his hand fell madly in love with kobe when he was 2. so, that was always his dude and when he met him the first time he wouldn't speak to him. he wouldn't look at him. he wouldn't speak to him. he just was -- and we said, you wanted to meet him. no, no, no. he didn't start talking to him until he was 4 or 5. so he's been part of my family, you know, for a very long time. you know, he was here, as we said, on "the view" in 2018. he was surprising two brothers named bryson and brock who are raising money for an epilepsy charity called jack's helping hand by auctioning off sports
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memorabilia. take a look. ♪ standing in the hall of fame ♪ the world's gonna know your name ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> it's a belief that we all have a responsibility to each other to help one another. it's the fumndamental belief. if you have the opportunity to do that it's our responsibility to help one another. that's it. simple as that. [ applause ] >> there's no way to talk about it except to say that our hearts are with the families of all the folks who lost loved ones on that -- in that accident, you know. our hearts and prayers are with them. so we're going to move from
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that to this. on saturday, you-know-who's defense team took to the floor of the senate to begin their arguments for why they say democrats don't have a case for impeachment. take a look. >> she's basically walking around telling everybody, wait, he's going to get impeached, just wait. >> really? >> it's incredible. >> get rid of her. get her out tomorrow. i don't care, get her out tomorrow. take her out. okay? do it. >> so, former national security adviser john bolton, in an excerpt from his upcoming book which was apparently leaked to "the new york times," he's claiming he was in the room when you-know-who said he wanted to withhold security money from the ukraine until they agreed to dig up dirt on the bidens. he's a first-person witness apparently. >> yeah, one of them. >> don't they need to get him on the stand? >> well, they keep begging for
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it and saying where's the first -- the direct witness. they have mulvaney on television saying it was quid pro quo. now they have bolton saying it and they had sondland saying it. so who are you going to believe, those three or the man who to this day has told 16,241 lies? >> wow. >> which one are you going to believe? >> we just showed that clip of parnas, you know, who trump also says he doesn't know. but when you have the lawyers, the senate trial lawyers for trump saying there's no firsthand account, no witness, i question whether or not the white house, those lawyers, knew what bolton -- >> they did know i think. somebody knew in the white house because bolton's -- simon & schuster sent the book to the white house. >> which means those lawyers, that was a material omission in front of the senate, a material omission in front of the senate. that is an ethical problem for those lawyers and that's a legal problem for those lawyers first
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of all. second of all, doesn't that beg the question, then you have to have those witnesses, right? because now there's a material issue of fact. they've put it out there. you have one side saying there are no firsthand witnesses and you have the democrats saying, uh, yeah, we do have some witnesses but not firsthand witnesses because you prevented those witnesses from being here. it seems to me at this point there's no question that we're going to hear from bolton, no question about it. >> i think the title of his book is stupid. >> what's the title? >> it's "in the room where it happened" a "hamilton" line. i think lin-manuel miranda should get money for him copying his title. look, it seems very interesting that he's monetizing this so quickly that the moment it leaks, the web page where you can buy his book goes up immediately, on amazon. his publishers put it up. i don't know what's happening here. i don't believe that someone like ambassador bolton who's a political animal for many, many
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administrations automatically wakes up and has a conscience. i've said that on the show before. i don't believe it. >> i don't agree with that. i think he's doing it because he's pissed. >> he started this, right. he's the one that said something is wrong. this is what happened, and everybody took it from there. so i think -- >> i don't want to be part of the drug deal. >> but romney is now saying that he will go for the witnesses, and susan collins we can't trust as far as we could throw her has said i've always said that i was likely to vote to call witnesses just as i did in the 1999 clinton trial. the report about john bolton's book strengthened the case for witnesses and have prompted a number of conversations among my colleagues. you know, it's not quite there but they seem to be moving in that direction. >> well, we'll see but it seems like -- lfisten, john bolton i feel lit the fire. he lit the fire and said, okay, you deal with this, you deal with this. so we'll see what happens. but we'll be back. we'll be back.
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>> announcer: later, hot mic. secretary of state mike pompeo lashes out at an nrp reporter after a tense interview, but is he the one who crossed the line? >> announcer: this week, fire up the political view. he's in the center of it all defending the president during the impeachment trial. now, alan dershowitz is here. and just look who's coming to voice their views, rev run simmons and his tommy davidson. plus, he won big on the masked singer. now wayne brady is here and performing an encore. it's all this week on "the view" on abc. copd makes it hard to breathe so to breathe better i started once-daily anoro. ♪go your own way copd tries to say go this way i say i'll go my own way with anoro. ♪go your own way
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♪ >> announcer: still ahead, "the view" is honoring international holocaust remembrance day when two survivors share their heart-wrenching journey of finding hope through the horror. welcome back. secretary of stiate mike pompeo was at a loss for words when he was asked about the firing of ukrainian ambassador. in an interview with npr reporter mary louise kelly. watch the clip. >> i have defended every state department official. we've built a great team, the team that -- >> sir, respectfully, where have
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you defended marie yovanovitch? >> i've defended every single person on this team. >> can you point me toward her remarks where you have defended marie yovanovitch. >> i've said all i'm going to say today, thank you. >> afterwards kelly claims pompeo berated her demanding that she point out ukraine on the map. pompeo says she's another example of the unhinged media, news media. did she sound unhinged? >> no. >> she didn't sound unhinged, but maybe -- you know, maybe i misunderstood. i mean, does he still have credibility with the media because somebody will say, well, did this happen and he'll say no, it never happened. then like the next day they'll say, well actually, it did happen. so is this a surprise, and are you surprised that he wanted her to point out ukraine on the map? >> which she easily did by the way. >> yeah. although they issued a statement on the state department letterhead and he says at the very end something like, by the
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way, you know, ukraine is not bangladesh, sort of implying -- >> what does that mean? >> i think he's implying somehow that when she pointed to the map she pointed to bangladesh. she's got a degree from cambridge in european studies and also a degree from harvard in government and french studies i believe, and so, you know, bangladesh is here and ukraine is like here. so i think it's unlikely that happened, but it just sort of shows that he's like, you know, the secretary of petty and i just -- i just think that if he's supposed to be the chief diplomat berating a woman, a journalist in that way and then issuing it on state department letterhead takes it to a different level. >> it feels like the administration is loaded with bullies. he's another one with a short fuse. this guy barr is a bully. he's a bully. pompeo is a bully. trump himself is a bully.
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it's like an organized crime organization. it's like when you listen to the tapes of him saying take her out, talking about yovanovitch, he sounds like john goddy. he doesn't sound like the president of the united states. [ applause ] >> there's a weird pattern right now of people walking out of npr interviews. remember we talked on the show adam driver did it because something he asked not to be played was played. this is now the second notable person that's walking out of npr so i don't know what's going on over at npr. i will say if you go into an interview and you're someone like mike pompeo and you say i want to talk about this, i don't want to talk about this and you agree ahead of time and that journalist breaks the agreement, i can understand how you would get frustrated. i didn't think he sounded that angry either. >> no, later. >> apparently they went to another room and got into a fight which is ridiculous as well but i will say the breakdown between the trust between the media and the white house right now i think is because of this, because you have journalists reporting off the record information all the
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time -- >> we don't know that's what this is because she apparently has all of the texts between them saying -- >> he has denied -- i think it's a he said/she said. >> i think she's got the thing, but you owe t say npr is the last place i would be concerned. now, there are times when people ask questions you don't want them to and you have every right, but i think npr as a network is kind of like pbs to me. >> it is. >> i don't think this is showing the spread of people being disrespectful, but i do think he's not telling the truth because he went -- he did the same thing to martha raddatz. he played dumb with her last year when she asked about the call with zelensky. he said the call never happened. he was on the call. >> yeah. >> so it's kind of shocking in a funny way that -- >> it's also interesting, like, how else can you hold these people accountable? you finally have one of the players in your sight and you have to ask him the question that he doesn't want to answer.
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that's what journalists do. >> i also think journalists are supposed to be unbiased in their questioning and if you have an opinion that he's a piece of crap -- >> we don't know that's her opinion. >> but if joy behar was interviewing. >> i'm not the person. >> and she's the co-host of all things considered. i mean, that's a very reputable -- people take museum quality photos of things every day. like grapefruits. we invented the ever-popular feet on the beach genre. and that don't forget your parking spot genre. ♪ we share photos of friends and food and friends as food. ♪ and because we're so good at taking photos we're also really good at doing taxes. people can be good at anything. yes, even taxes. intuit turbotax. yes, even taxes. (baby♪ aughs) ♪
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>> announcer: later, a brand new "view" your deal that will up your kitchen game. welcome back. some democratic candidates are reaching way outside of their base. mayor pete buttigieg appeared at a fox news town hall, as did andrew yang. is this a good move? >> you don't think so? they don't think so. how "fox & friends" said you don't have to watch it. it's too boring. really? they have no respect for their viewers apparently. >> i think it's a smart move. easy zra klein in "the new york times" had a fabulous piece and the democratic tent is a large one. democrats have to appeal not only to liberals, not only to a very diverse base, but they have to also appeal to sort of a middle to right base where the republicans really only have to appeal to one particular sort of base. >> at this point in yeah. >> to acquire all the time. it's sort of a christian base and that hasn't changed in a really long time, i think. if you're smart, if you're a democrat and you want to enlarge your base, you do go on a fox news and you don't preach to the choir. i think it's a pretty brilliant
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move if you want to expand the base. >> what about you? >> bernie did it in a town hall which i was always surprised they gave him respect to do. fox has huge viewership, 2.5 million, cnn a little under a million, so there's a huge gap between people watching one network and another. i think you should do what president obama did which was say i'm not here to represent red america or blue america. i'm here to represent the united states of america and the president is going to be the leader of the entire country. and again, if you're smart which i believe some of these candidates are, i think you understand that there's a bunch of swing states, a bunch of buo districts, specifically in wisconsin and pennsylvania where you have an obama voter and a trump voter and the trump voter may not like what he's done and be open to somebody like bernie sanders and i think that you have to reach out to places and go places that are uncomfortable whether you like it or not. by the way, obama won, just in case we forgot. twice. >> twice.
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>> yeah. >> we'll be right back. >> announcer: they're two survivors who lived through one of the most shameful chapters in recorded history. >> and they took my father, young boys, and they took them to dig their own graves. >> my mother and my father was buried there. >> announcer: up next, "the view" honors international holocaust remembrance day with survivors who turned their past nightmare into a powerful message of hope for future generations. i'm leah and that's me long before i had moderate-to-severe rheumatoid arthritis. i've always been the ringleader had a zest for life. flash forward, then ra kept me from the important things. and what my doctor said surprised me. she said my joint pain could mean permanent joint damage. and enbrel helps relieve joint pain, and helps stop that joint damage. ask about enbrel so you can get back to being your true self.
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it is international holocaust remembrance day honoring the six million jews and millions of other victims brutally murdered by germany's
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nazi party. it's vital that we never forget one of the darkest chapters in world history, and the survivors who found their way out of a living hell. take a look. >> my name is millie baron and i am a holocaust survivor. >> my name is is mihkl and i am a holocaust survivor. >> i was born in the town ash me yana. i had a wonderful childhood until 1941. the war broke out and the germans occupied poland. we heard and we knew about hitler, what he was doing inanyr own eyes is a big difference. and they took my father, young boys, and they took them to work. they told them to dig their own graves. they shot them a couple of miles
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behind the town. probably a lot were still alive but they put the earth on top of them and we ner saw them again. >> in the same town, a young man named mihkl experienced similar horrors when the nazis came for his family. >> my brother, my older brother, there. father was buried over >> the nazis ordered the round of millions of jews and forced them into ghettos sealed off edbeire and rm a sick, elderly and children, were shot or sent to death camps. >> they killed my sister in the ghetto, a beautiful young lady of 19 years. >> my beautiful little sister and my younger brother abraham, they were killed. and my mother remained alive. se was taken toar v uscamps. i realized that my struggle and all by myself, all alone, i
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decided it's not the place for me in the ghetto. >> at age 19, mihkl made a and joined the first ukrainian army to fight against the nazis. millie a into seven different slave labor camps before they were sent to stew hoff concentration camp. >> we walked in and mountains of shoes were realized immediately neur b ovens. >> millie and her mother he naz camp and a death march, and were liberated by russian forces in 1945. >> i lost my father. i lost my sister, all my relatives, but my mother was with me. world. >> around the same time, mihkl's army platoon liberated the my donic death camp in poland but he could never forget the moment
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ofiseire fng hometown of ash me >> that was of great satisfaction. i am part of liberators. >> after the war, millie and mihkl each made their way to the city of ludge in poland. in a chance encounter they realized they were from the same hometown. >> we went to the same school for a couple of years. >> when i met her, she immediately captured my heart, and that was like t b look how beautiful she looked. >> m mihkl fell in love and wasted no time in getting married, but it took more than four years before our country would grant them visas. finally, their dreams came true as they sailed into new york harbor. >> through the mist we saw torch. that's america! that's america! new york city with no money, nto
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jobs or knowledge of the englis he we at years married. we have two beautiful children, three beautiful gronands and we have twogreat-grandchildren. >> and their legacy does not end there. mihkl spent his career teaching in new york schools and summer camps. at the young age of 95, he just retired from new camp kindering where he taught jewish culture and the lessons of the holocaust. >> people should learn something for the future. you should have to do any people on earth that what happened to the jewish people at that time. >> for more than five decades, mihkl and millie's powerful stories have left an imprintnds own, reminding us all to stand
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together and speak out against hatred, bigotry and intolerance of any kind. >> and happy. i have thousands and thousands of children whom i touched, who will be nice and kind to each other. [ applause ] >> please welcome mikhl and millie, and their daughters, ruth and janice. joy, before you do your question, i want to say one thing. you may hear people says didn't happen. this happened. this happened. our grandfathers, our great-grandfathers fought in world war ii and fought for this
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democracy. if anyone tells you this did not elppen in the d,rlwo tou y people keep saying this didn't happen, and it did. get that straight. let's start today with that.i's >> millie, in the video that you had to wait four years before you could come in this country. >> four and a half years. >> four and a half years.>> in . >> you know, some people are experiencing that right now in our country. thes border and they're not letting people in and it's just tragic to me and to you i'm sure. would you like to speak to that at all? >> naturally. when i saw it on television, i couldn't believe it and my heart was aching. as a mother seeing the children s,nt realized who doesn't
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want to come to america. the best land in the world. the lucky one who can come here, a land of opportunity, of freedom. to us it was a dream to get here. naturally it was worth it to wait because when we came here i practically kis t ldseedhe in brooklyn for ten years. i loved the place. my best memories are from there. we felt so free. we were walking the streets, all kind of people, all races. we felt at home. at night, during the day we were eprived of being free, so d so that was for us a miracle, a miracle what happened. and when we saw what happened
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with the people who wanted to come to america, naturally it's a land of laws. you cannot just come and want to come in,ut i'm sure that the united states will find a way ho accommodate people who want freedom, who want a good life. >> we need to protect that. >> yeah, yeah. >> let's hope for the best. >> yes. >> let's hope that this will change. >> yes. and you're going to stay with us because we're going to go and come right back, okay. [ applause ] managing lipids like very high triglycerides, can be tough. you diet. exercise. but if you're also taking fish oil supplements... you should know... they are not fda approved... they may have saturated fat and may even raise bad cholesterol. to treat very high triglycerides, hecience of prescription vascepa.
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pampers is the first and only diaper with air dry channels they stay up to 3 times drier, so babies can sleep soundly...all night. pampers. [ applause ] we're back with holocaust survivors mihkl and millie. mihkl, in recent years, anti-semitic attacks rose by nearly 40%. there was a stabbing at a rabbi's house here in new york over thexcus, or t -- holidays. there's the synagogue shootings. what can we do to make sure this stops and history doesn't repeat itself? >> what can we do to make the
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anti-semitism stop? what can one do? >> millie and i grew up in the 20th century. the 20th century is one of the worst centuries ever, ever for the jewish people.-sitism, we f children. i could not go to high school, to a polish high school. i could not go to any elementary school in poland which was really -- so we went to religious schools which taught us the basic thing, what the bible wants us all about, thou shall not kill, thousand shall not steal. you should be a human being with a friendly attitude toward everyone on earth because the bible teaches us all the time.
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behave yourself like you're his brother. now, we lived through immense, immense torture, mental, physical everything else, but the worst thing that ever happened during the times after the holocaust is anti-semitism in poland. and also, we can never forget those who denied their existence of the holocaust. those that deny it are people actually who are a state like iran. eventually they prepare themselves for another holocaust. denial is also murder. >> a hehes who was a his whole life
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believes greatly in education as much as possible. >> right. never forget. never forget. >> can i add to that. speaking out against anti-semitism and any kind of racism when it veers its ugly head. speak upnd a acceptable. [ applause ] >> that's what to do. >> and very quickly, you've been together almost 75 years. mihkl just r from edet teaching. millie longevity? >> i'll tell you, in poland there was a saying that -- it -t was a saying that i did everything that i could, what is in my power to see to it that we should have a family and for the family we worked, we educated, the childrenho sd ulbe is good.
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go to for a chance to win $25,000. [ cheers and applause ] studies show that it's not just healthier to cook at home. it's also a whole lot cheaper. and we're making it even more cost effective today. we partnered with vendors for at least half off kitchen products that will unleash your inner chef. it's only while supplies last, so let's get shopping with life-style expert gretta monaghan. [ cheers and applause ] >> hi, sweetie. >> good to see you. this is inspired by my own kitchen detox. first up, zwilling, ten-piece ceramic cook ware set. it's amazing because it's fast
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heating, versatile pans, stay cool handles, sunny, and dripless pouring rims, but also check out these lids, all glass, tempered glass, see-through so we don't burn anything and we can monitor while we're cooking because i got kids running around and i didn't need any of those nasty pans that didn't have matching tops. this is the only set you'll need. original price on this set, $400. not today. start out fresh in the new decade, $200 is the deal. >> that's a good deal. >> you're also going to love this. livli livliga. this is portion control table wear. check this out. i want to show you, look at this, beautifully designed. check this out, sunny, this is the whole system on the back so there's no food shaming here. this is all about healthy eating and portion control but it also helps us lose weight when we're really trying to watch things and not have to ever measure again. i brought you all this beautiful table tops. there are tons online, different styles, different designs, even
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glassware, and also serving ware. >> beautiful. >> absolutely love these. it upgrades everything. original price, 45 to $180. not today. today's deal $22.50 to $90. >> beautiful. >> isn't that gorgeous? i knew you would love it. everything, bowls, plates, everything. >> it's gorgeous. >> knork flatware, this features an ergonomic design to fit the way we eat naturally. a fingeratform, feel the weight ofpl that. comfortable grip, increased cutting capabilities. and i brought you four gorgeous sets of different finishes because no matter what you have on your table, this is a major table scape upgrade and feels really formal and gorgeous every time you sit down to eat. original price on these, $300. today's deal, $1.$150 plus freee shipping. >> i want this one. it's beautiful. i love it. >> i know you love this. i'm going to hand it over to you. >> i love this.
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i have this at home. >> so, i don't have to walk sunny through because she knows. it's very easy. this girl is aa pro. >> i wish i invented this because all you do, everyone, is you stick this in here and then you just press the top. >> bang, done, boom. original price on cork pops, i'm going to tell you, i buy a load of these on a deal and give them as hostess gifts all year long. >> it's so good. i mean, i'm not encouraging drinking. >> you're going to united states. we don't want that. we want to get rid of disposable plastic. single sets. look at this for moms.
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i love it. comes in ats own tin. this goes on any cup. really nice, easy and amazing to drink from. everything is dishwasher safe. original price on these, 7 to 16 bucks. today's deal $3.50 to $8 to totally detox your kitchen. >> that's great. >> nano towels. i want you to feel this. this is amazing. nano towels and nano sponges are amazing because you can clean any surface with no soap, just water. you don't need chemicals, cleaning agents. >> how does that work? >> from floors to counter tops to bathrooms to kitchens, it's incredible. it's the special fibers. when i say clean, i mean clean. you're not rinsing, there's no residue. it's amazing. throw them in, wash them in the wash and you are reusing and ready to go. i love these. this is game changing in the
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kitchen and everywhere in the house. original price on these, $25 to $40. today's deal $12.50 to 20 bucks. >> wow. you brought it today, gretta. our thanks to gretta monaghan. the clock is ticking, people. you have 24 hours to grab any of these exclusive deals at guess what? members of the audience are pops, gosili, and nano towels. have a great day everye. the team's constitutional law expert argued that even if bolton's claim is true, it doesn't matter, he says it's not an impeachable offense. but the draft of the bolton book could alter the senate trial. abc's mary bruce reports. >> sir, how are you doing today? >> reporter: the president's former national security advisor, john bolton, smiling and waving to cameras after upending the impeachment proceedings. >> do you have any evidence of your claim, sir?ding to "the n
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in his upcoming book that president trump personally told him he wanted to continue freezing nearly $400 million in security aid until ukraine helped to investigate his rivals, including joe biden. it directly contradicts what the president's defense team has been arguing. >> there was no connection between security assistance and investigations. >> reporter: the president's lawyers never once mentioning bolton, but the president tweeting, i never told john bolton that the aid to ukraine was tied to investigations into democrats, including the bidens. if john bolton said this, it was only to sell a book. >> does this increase the chances you could be called to testify? >> i haven't seen a manuscript, but i call tell you nothing was ever said to john bolton. >> reporter: bolton's reported firsthand account is sending a seismic shock through capitol hill, where senators will have to decide whether to allow him as a witness. >> it's pretty fair to say john
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bolton has a relevant testimony to provide to those of us who are sitting in impartial justice. >> reporter: and senator mitt romney says it's increasingly likely that other republicans will join him. >> the reporting on john bolton strengthens the case for witnesses. >> reporter: but the president's lawyers argue senators should focus on the evidence from the house investigation and nothing more. >> we deal with transcript evidence. we deal with publicly available information. we do not deal with speculation. >> reporter: sources tell us the president's team is now preparing for the the very real possibility john bolton may be called to testify and that they are ready to fight it in court, making the timeline for this trial uncertain. mary bruce, abc news, capitol hill. >> our thanks to mary. as president trump's trial resumes, he will unveil a new mideast peace plan today. the president will present it
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with president benjamin netanyahu by his side, who visited the white house monday. trump also met with benny gantz. the new peace plan is expected to be very favorable to israel. the palestinians have already rejected it. a special service provided by a fed ex driver is going viral. >> melvin marlin didn't just make a delivery to a home in michigan's upper peninsula. the 23-year veteran stopped to shovel snow from the front porch. it was all captured by the homeowner's doorbell cam. he says he hopes it's something anyone would have done. i love that, because you know, you can always count on some nice acts of service to get you through these hard times. >> you're right about that. the homeowner probably said, i meant to put that snow there, who told you to take it? no, the homeowner was obviously very, very appreciative of that work by that fed ex driver there. going that extra mile, way to go. p later in "the skinny," the most dramatic episode of "the bachelor" ever. but first the climate change alarm being raised by researchers who are now
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predicting a severe shortage in wine by the end of the century. later, kobe bryant through the years on jimmy kimmel. you want a fresh-smelling home,
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but some air fresheners use heavy, overwhelming scents. try febreze one; a range of innovative air fresheners with no heavy perfumes that you can feel good about using in your home to deliver a light, natural-smelling freshness. febreze one neutratuy orsli ss alste, and releases a subtle hint of fragrance like bamboo or lavender & eucalyptus. to eliminate odors with no heavy perfumes, try febreze one. brand power. helping you buy better.
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check out this police chase check out this police chase in florida. it happened ironically on international speedway boulevard near daytona. police say the woman behind the wheel sped off after a traffic stop. she lost control of the minivan and it rolled over. she eventually crawled out of the van and was arrested. she's okay and police also recovered her dog, which was in the van with her. >> quite a scene there. prosecutors in new york appear to be turning up the heat on britain's prince andrew. >> he has said he would be willing to help with the u.s. investigation of alleged sex trafficking by the late jeffrey epstein, but since that promise the prosecutors say andrew has provided zero cooperation. andrew has suggested he couldn't shed any light on epstein's
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activities because they never spent too much time together. epstein died by suicide last summer as he awaited trial on sex trafficking and other charges. now to the nfl, as the 49ers and chiefs get ready for super bowl sunday, their social media teams are dealing with hackers. they're among 15 clubs whose twitter accounts were breached sunday and monday. a group calling itself ourmine is taking credit posting the message, we are here to show people that everything is hackable. the hacks took place over a two-hour period and included some teams' facebook and instagram accounts. here's a new worry, a new reason to worry about climate change, it's threatening the world's wine supply. a new study says an increase of just over 3.5 degrees this century could shrink the areas where wine grapes are grown by more than half. global warming may require growers to abandon some species. putting it into burgundy, bordeaux and other varieties. >> i knew we should have listened to greta thunberg. she told us this was going to
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happen, now the wine supply? >> it's getting crazy out there in these streets, it really is. >> now people really will pay attention. when we come back, the big change this year for the oscars. and big drama in the bachelor mansion, "the skinny" is next.
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♪ skinny just gimme the skinny ♪ skinny just gimme the skinny time now for "the skinny" starting with the annual rite of passage for oscar nominees. >> this year's class of nominees gathered for the annual nominees luncheon for their traditional class photo. >> this year's event opened with a moment of silence to honor kobe bryant, his daughter gianna, and others killed in the helicopter crash. bryant attended that luncheon event two years ago for his eventual oscar winning film "dear basketball. " next up all kinds of drama breaking out on "the bachelor." >> peter the pilot and the ladies left the mansion, then all hell broke loose. our chief senior "bachelor"
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analyst, jack sheahan, the voice of jack brought the body with it. >> brought it here now, let's do this. every season on "the bachelor," kenneth and kimberly, eventually degenerates to the point of, this is a complete mess. i can say i have watched this episode, we got there this week. and so roll that beautiful "bachelor" footage. 15 women still involved. we're leaving the mansion. >> peter's going to meet you in cleveland, ohio. >> they look thrilled. one-on-one date in cleveland, victoria f. it's going well till it gets awkward. concert time with victoria f.'s ex-boyfriend. >> the situation is so uncomfortable. >> this is like one of the coolest dates i've ever been on. >> some odd moments. >> we could have a chase and guys sing at our wedding, there you go. >> here comes the big reveal. >> chase and i used to date. >> the singer chase? >> victoria's crying in the corner.
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she gets the rose. group date. football time. some hard hits, but the drama cranks up that night. wait, what's she doing here? >> mind if i interrupt? victoria and i, we've been friends. >> she told me you guys didn't know each other maybe three hours -- >> peter needs some answers from victoria p. >> she's literally telling me the exact opposite what have you told me. >> doesn't seem like anybody's getting anywhere. peter confused. sharks are circling. peter with the big question. >> do you want to come back? >> now we got 16 involved? lee even gets the rose. women aren't going to like that. nearly time for a rose ceremony. way too much drama going on for that. victoria p. is mad. the women are attacking alayah. >> you're not coming back to clear your name. you're coming back to get back on the show. >> peter's just about had it. that's enough of that.
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to be continued. kiss count, kiss count. the discount stops at -- four. so yeah, yeah. a significant drop in the kiss count this week because of all the nonsense going on. can't be making out if they got all of that happening. it should be noted that the idea of the show is to reduce the number of contestants. >> not add them. >> instead of adding to them, so there's that. next week someplace tropical we're off to. >> by the way, what's wrong with cleveland, what's wrong with ohio? dayton native right here. >> the show must go on, as they say. anyway. yeah. so someplace tropical, if you believe the previews, i'm not sure we do anymore. and on that note, analyst out. >> all right. >> thank you, jack. >> the voice of jack. nice haircut, jack. >> he loved it. >> we don't get to see him that often. next to the big headline from randy jackson.
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the yo dog. not the jackson 5 one. >> more like the rapidly shrinking waistline. the notoriously husky "american idol" judge -- >> notoriously husky? >> he's lost 114 pounds -- >> he's sharing a secret. >> in an interview with "people" magazine, the 63-year-old music prouder and performer had to resort to some pretty drastic measures to keep the weight off. >> after the surgery he says he worked with multiple fitness experts, nutritionists, and mental health experts to remain in shape. >> formerly husky? i'm going to have some words for you later. all that glitters wasn't gold at the grammys because cardi's bling wasn't gold, they were diamonds, $5 million worth of them. >> the rapper skipped the red carpet and showed up late to the ceremony, fans joking perhaps the 310 carats of white diamonds slowed her down. >> she wore a custom gown and $500,000 worth of bracelets too.
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>> looking amazing. coming up, jimmy kimmel remembers kobe bryant in a very special way. ♪ ♪ then they get released back into the air so you smell them later. ew. right? that's why febreze created small spaces. press firmly and watch it get to work... unlike the leading cone, small spaces continuously eliminates odors in the air and on surfaces so they don't come back for 45 days. now that's one flushin' fresh bathroom. i come face to face with a lot of behinds. so i know there's a big need for gas-x maximum strength. it works fast. relieving pressure, bloating, and discomfort before you know it. so no one needs to know you've got gas. gas-x so no one needs to know you've got gas. ordinary tissues burn when theo blows. so dad bought puffs plus lotion, and rescued his nose.
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♪ as you look at the santa monica pier and the ferris wheel lit up in purple and gold, we can tell you amid the tributes, remembrances, and mountains of memorials, it's still so hard to believe that nba legend kobe bryant is no longer with us. >> last night jimmy kimmel paid his own tribute to kobe bryant by sharing a treasure trove of kobe moments on his very own show. here now is a highlight of some of the very best. >> kobe was a hero in the way superman is a hero. he was so big, it was almost like he was a fictional character. he was a real-life superhero with a costume and everything walking amongst us. yes, i know he was not a perfect person, i understand that. my intention is not to canonize him or make judgments about
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things i don't know anything about. but i will say he loved his family, he worked very hard, and he brought a lot of joy to a lot of people in this city. and we're going to miss him. >> you played with dennis rodman for a short time. do you think he is the solution to our problem with north korea? [ laughter ] do you think that he is the guy to go over there and -- >> it's a crazy world, man, you never know. who the hell knows? >> would you go over there and focus on stopping this potential nuclear warhead that could come over? that seems more important than the game. >> i'd probably pass. >> you would pass on that one? >> i'd probably pass. >> oh, for once you're passing. [ drumroll ] >> play center? >> no, guard. >> you play guard? that's surprising, i'd think a man of your size would play center. >> i play only with mexican guys. >> okay. >> can i get a drumroll? >> wow, look at that. not bad.
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can i have a look at that? wow. that is something special. i don't think it's a good idea to keep it in your pocket, though. it will wind up in the hamper or something. >> no, no, oh, no. >> thank you so much for this, that is really very nice. >> you think your daughter might want to play in the wnba? >> she does for sure. >> she does? >> i mean, this kid, man. >> wouldn't that be great. >> dude, man, i'm telling you. the best thing, the best thing that happens when is we go out and fans come up to me, she'll be standing next to me, they'll be like, hey, you got to have a boy, you and v. got to have a boy. man, have somebody carry on your tradition, the legacy. you don't need a boy for that. like, that's right, yes, you do, you got this. >> funny stuff. >> a class act. >> a serious competitor on the court and a funny man off the court, our thanks to our friend jimmy kimmel there.
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making news in america this morning, remembering an icon. the new tributes to kobe bryant including a push to redesign the nba logo in his honor. as new details emerge about that fateful helicopter ride, the pilot's final transmission and why investigators are now asking for the public's help to figure out what happened. the president's impeachment defense. attorney alan dershowitz addresses the senate. why he says the new revelations from john bolton are not enough to remove president trump from office. royal refusal. the new twist in the jeffrey epstein investigation as the fbi claims prince andrew is not cooperating. >> prince andrew has provided zero cooperation. >> why they say the prince is going back on his word. a new twist in the search
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for two children missing f


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